Music to Your Ears

All About joe Ireland Band
If Bob Dylan and John Prine had a family they’d be joe Ireland band.
A quirky bunch of boys doing what they’re good at; making music.
On the strength of original music from lead singer Francis Kavanagh, joe Ireland band is the jelly in a peanut butter sandwich.
Kyler Schogen’s lead guitar is superb. His intonations and riffs make Kavanagh’s songs pop. Schogen’s fingers across the fret board are prayers to the angels.
And drummer Mark Cummings carries the beat that has the angels asking for more. He’s like a metronome with soul and his expressive style is always on the mark. He’s locked in.
Bassist Winston Payne quietly stands in the back thrumming a pure subtle melodic sound. His playing is like the embers that warm the heart. Payne is silky smooth and smiles every third song.
Joe Ireland band can play and sing. They've got harmonies that float through the music like mist.
Don’t miss these lads live. An evening with joe Ireland band enlightens the soul and enriches the curious.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll sing to the songs because the songs will sing to you.
Catch onto joe Ireland band.